Birchcliff characterizes its Montney/Doig Resource Play as a regionally pervasive, continuous, low-permeability hydrocarbon accumulation or system that typically requires intensive stimulation to produce. The production characteristics of this play generally include steep initial declines that rapidly trend to much lower decline rates, yielding long-life production and reserves. The play exhibits a statistical distribution of estimated ultimate recoveries and therefore provides a repeatable distribution of drilling opportunities. Birchcliff’s Montney/Doig Resource Play is ideally suited for the application of horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracture stimulation technology.
As more wells are drilled into a resource play, there is a substantial decrease in both the geological and technical risks. Over the past 18 years, Birchcliff has worked to de-risk its Montney/Doig Resource Play by drilling both vertical and horizontal exploration wells in order to develop an in-depth understanding of the oil and gas pools, rock properties and petrophysical characteristics and reservoir parameters. Birchcliff designs, tests and evaluates its drilling, completion and production technologies and practices to achieve continual improvements in productivity and expected ultimate recoveries in order to drive down capital and operating costs. Birchcliff’s pool delineation strategy de-risks future development and helps to reduce future costs as new well pads and infrastructure are designed and built to support multiple horizontal well locations and increased production.